Description :

3D lunar calendar in the indigenous way!

Grade 3 requires a deep study and dive into the world of First Nations in Canada.

As we were learning about Time and the way western societies measure it, I introduced the students to the native lunar calendar Ojibwe, and explained how they track the passing of time in a cyclical way, on the back of a turtle shell. We compared it with a few lunar calendars from native tribes in BC, then I made the students create their own 3D Moon, using their knowledge of the land, their knowledge of the seasons, and their creative mind.

They had to research, plan, try, adjust, and produce a crafted moon. They loved it!

Grade :

Grade 3 – BC

Duration :

2 months

Unit :

Arts Education

Big Idea: The arts connect our experiences to the experiences of others.

Social Studies

Big Idea: People from diverse cultures and societies share some common experiences and aspects of life.


Big Idea: Standard units are used to describe, measure, and compare attributes of objects’ shapes.

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